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Production with generational responsibility

For years, we have relied on family businesses in Ulaanbaatar to manufacture our clothing. We regularly visit the producers on site and work together as equals on design and price issues. Our producers buy the wool in the country. They take care of processing the raw wool, cleaning the wool and manufacturing the garment.

​The company is managed by the second generation and employs. This means that the added value remains in the country and in one hand.

Turning raw wool into socks

It takes many different steps to make a fluffy pair of wool socks, starting with the unprocessed raw wool. Our producer Otgoo therefore takes you backwards through the production process that the wool goes through in her company.

A detailed look at production

The wool goes through several processing stages before it can be turned into a pair of socks. Once the raw wool arrives in Ulaanbataar, it is sorted, washed, dehairing and spun. The fleece is then spun into yarn, which in the case of sheep's wool can also be bleached and dyed. In the manufacturing process, the yarn is machine-spun and finished into fine, soft woollen clothing.

At the very end is the quality check and customisation of the designs. The process then starts all over again.

Take a look inside the production cycle

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